Online Bulletin -- Sudo EchoHex's CyberCraft
just made a Raspberry Pi Server in my home in only a few hours. I documented my journey so i can recreate it later or others can join in with a little less searching than me! my notes (with some light editing, taking out my system info and making more concise): im gonna follow (u don't need to do her document making steps, those are built into the imager): Once i got my terminal talking to an online PI (the Raspberry Pi imager app has all the SSH and wifi needed thigns so u can skip those parts) i followed this to get nginx on my pi (delete the < > and paste ur info (no brackets!)) ssh @ type exit to teminate ssh connection also cntrl c to end tasks then for server stuff i used this: had to go into xfinity app and go to port forwarding and choose raspberry pi @ port 80 (http) or 443 (https) also i made a account and had to install these steps so that the pi could work with no-ip used Vi text editor since its installed automatically on pi (manipulating the files in SSH over wifi from laptop or whatever) vim file_name.extension —> create file or open file :w = save :wq = save and quit :q = quit :wget = download the url asset to the server into root o to insert line after cursor, O for before highlight and D to delete line IF PERMISSION DENIED JSUT USE SUDO BEFORE COMMAND also helpful (this channel also has a good apt/linux/git overview video) to add new user to sudo group sudo usermod -a -G sudo now im going to and try to implement
An old pseudonym is taking center stage tonight: SUPERBUS sUPERbUS sUPERBUS you will know me as such. i will be releasing projects under this name. This is my Copyright proof *circle C*. ******** I am feeling this boldly as I listen to this album. I found this album while looking for another. I want everyone to know how beautiful this album is:

****************************** video game ost’s sim city senu no rondo mega man 8 racing lagoon klonoa door to phantomile all the ridge racers (newer the more electronica-esque) no one can stop mr domino ****************************** Poem And he wore his hair down, plain like a Viceroy. His well-built scepter-sword, definitely affected by gravity, was all golds and skins. ******************************
may 9th 2022 compressors vs other forms of compressing (esp types that add *read: hi-freq* harmonics) saturators when pushed will compress limiters obvi clippers too! many forms of lowering dynamic range digitally if the goal isnt to change envelope etc. prob best for electronic and dance music to stay with these other tools
May 3 2022 thursday BlendArTrack mocap —> blender —> glTF tutorial —> cg tinker (creator of blendartrack) thanks to Phoebe M for rigging my mesh for me.... i was losing my mind with this conversion! ********************************* create mesh for character rig it with Rigify plugin add bone and delete it use armature menu to get Super Face from rigify ‘samples’ ie presets scale rig parent mesh TO RIG with automatic weights (tab to search) that should be enough ********************************* ONCE YOU HAVE RIGGED MESH YOU WANT TO ANIMATE WITH THE MOCAP DATA take vid in app export import data with plugin into blender needs to be as animated empties and not mesh bc gltf cant do vertex animation, only skeletal if ur rendering a video just use face mesh delete mocap parent’s keyframes (head tilt) reset position and rotation to 0 scale up to match destination character mesh DO NOT APPLY TRANSFORMS TO MOCAP DATA yet create driver rig (press button), copy scale data NOW APPLY SCALE TRANSFORM TO THE CREATED RIG — AFTER THIS U CAN HIDE OR DELETE IT! generate driver (button) and wait for a while if it works good go to action editor create new action and name it now click last button in plugin menu which is MAKE ACTION it will take a bit again now just go to character rig and select the right action

Cat Name doc 2021 king science king boat king wyrm The magician alchemist page of cups fourty four barbelo mercury/hermes swazz (he typed that in my chat bar lol) Main Space DDR remix lydian UPDATE::: settled on SCIENCE

apr. 29 2022 )TIME CAPSULE)(
Pablo Held Chris Weismnan Interview Notes Dec. 2020 guitar is 6 monophonic synths whose ranges overlap its not you its the time chris writes melodies first he never worries about pushing away from a key center “slip center tonality” — htings can modulate . he modulates a lot by a little (like a half step or something). he didnt treat it like a modulation ‘the portion in B just kinda blurs and ends in C’ Using [ I7 to I ] as a [ V to I ] selling things that are dissonant as consonaant if by tone, voice leading, treating it “gently like its beautiful” (like a cluster — “no don’t worry, this is beautiful”) all interval tetrachords (jimi hendrix chord and all its inversions is one) as being balanced — 1 of every interval to infinity “overtone scale” — lydian dominant to Chris’ True Overtone Scale (schoenberg too) — 13th partial is closer to b6 than 6th ((but all ppl say its 6th)) 1 2 3 #4 5 b6 b7 1 (includes cluster) has 1 of all all interval tetrachords in it just 1 major and 1 minor chord check out 2nd and 5th mode

apr. 29 2022 )TIME CAPSULE)(
(Journal from November 2020) Dispossessed pg 166 Shevek tells Bedap (his friend who he’s been newly reunited with) that his work has halted and he blurts out for the first time that he’d been contemplating suicide. Bedap tells Shevek that Shevek has hit “the wall”. That their society had become resistant to change and how that impacts the individual. “…. I speak of spiritual suffering! Of people seeing their talent, their work, their lives wasted. Of good minds submitting to stupid ones. Of strength and courage strangled by envy, greed for power, fear of change. Change is freedom, change is life — is anything more basic to Odonian thought than that? But nothing changes any more! Our society is sick. You know it. You’re suffering it’s sickness. Its suicidal sickness!”

apr. 29 2022 )TIME CAPSULE)(
(Journal from August 2020) in moments when i couldve used words i was silent, so ive kinda tied my tongue 8/23.2020 I slept in ( its sunday :) ) i read for a while (bell hooks & laura riding poems) ate breakfast (Banana bread and some dairy products lol) did the dishes which had stacked up now gonna make coffee and while i do clean the pots i made banana bread in made a 15g : 1/4 liter cup of coffee drew blinds in my studio cleaned coffee table to set up mixing station for some work went to car to get phone charger read 10ish pages of the fire next itme — beautiful rhythm practice ran did a little yoga rinsed off read more to procrastinate made tomato sauce out of a bunch of random tomatoes i got from csa, food bank, grocery store etc very good procrastinated in every way — did more dishes watched at least an hour of FPGA videos researched for like 3 hours total or something k… knew it was dumb watched a few videos at 1030 or something walked to Cumberland farms to get Hot Tamales ino rder to get to work called mom and talked about cover letter on the walk there — got email from Allie Cumby’s did have hot tamales so i got airhead xtreme bites *eyeroll* lol jk they were good — did the trick came back with the goal to just open logic and at least listen had a literal physical bracing/ scared reaction ended up getting a lot done. its 2:45am now i made markers fr all the track’s takes, ruff mixed dedicated phone and one other i think, got back in the flow ive made, made a slow pan bus, melodyned one of Omeed’s notes(1), etc etc. i was thinking about adding more harmonics with distoriton at somepoint idk relaly fun! applied to be an election worker

apr. 29 2022 (notes from August 2020)
JIMMY JAM AND TERRY LEWIS 3 HOUR RED BULL MUSIC ACADEMY LECTURE NOTES also in “August —ish 2020 Research Journal” “what comes from the heart, reaches the heart.” Terry Lewis no “right” or ‘wrong’, just ‘best’ early days it was all just 1 take so that they could save on studio fees “if you can’t find a place to play, make your own place” play bass a little behind the beat bc it expands the transient and makes it FAT. it extends its hit. makes it a little sticky you can do all these things you dont’ even know you can do, u just gotta work towards it. that’s what they learned from prince. prince would be like “what are you gonna play in your right hand?” “why aren’t you singing a new 4th harmony?” “why aren’t you doing the coreography?” analyze the best song/record of the ppl youre working with and bring it back! then what would u wnat them to try new? Minneapolis really gravitated to Oberheim OB8 bc the idea was to do the horn lines on the synth horns. thsi really helped create the ‘minneapolis sound’ OB8 and ARP Omni “Don’t watch the Holllywood sign while youre driving because you mite crash” words of advice from Clarence Avon “More hooks than a tackle box” — no matter where you start the record (or drop the needle) there should be something that captures your attention — Jimmy Jam “Living in a world they didnt make” Terry lewis doesn’t like to get lost in the words meet ppl where they are and find what they need “Usher, what is the key ingredient to an Usher record?” the artists all beat aroudnt he bush but its all about the artist and capturing their best it’s all about patience. just sitting there writing a love song is all about the condition— its not about conditional love. its about “i’ll love you IF”. “i dont care what you do with her as long as you take care of my needs when i need you to” physical love ballad is different — its just being nasty “I love expression” Terry Lewis “everything is good as long as there’s something else. There can’t be just one thing” “you’re only as old as your ability to accept and process new things” — Quincy Jones “everything is about technology and economics.” Terry Lewis “Use the technology, dont let the technology use you.” Jimmy JAm “I;d recommend to everyone ot always try something different” Terry Lewis “We always puthte music first” terry lewis ‘Make people respect your music! — ppl are buildingn multi million dollars off our music. Music sells everything but itself. think about how valuable you are’ “you have your whole life to make your first album” — all ur life inforrms the first album. so it can take fast! You have to let inspiration take you. dont make albums solely on know-how dontbe afraid! If you don’t make it, they won’t hear it ‘polishing a turd. every song we make won’t be great. All those turds tho can turn into fertilizer’ Control by JJ is almots all linn drum retuned — all had their own outputs so u could effect them all separately

apr. 29 2022

Shadertoy —> GLSL (“Find” the words left of the equal sign in the Shadertoy code and “Replace” with the GLSL syntax on the right side)

description: Shadertoy has its own language and it’s very similar to GLSL. That said, you can’t just copy and paste shadertoy code direct into a GLSL compiler. This is a very barebones Rosetta Stone to convert.

*** WARNING ::: if the Shadertoy has any “Buffers” or “Textures”, you’re going above my head. I can implement only veerryryyy simple textures and Buffers implies Vertex (.vert) shaders or at the very least CPU engagement. This here is GPU only — Fragment .frag shaders ONLY. Find simple shadertoys and copy. Then you can take the interesting, bespoke functions they’ve coded into them and are sharing !!! Make sure to give credit! ***

mainImage = void main( *leave these brackets empty* ) — delete everythin inside parentheses (these thigns inside in shadertoy get passed as uniforms)

iTime = u_time

fragcoord = gl_FragCoord

Fragcolor = gl_FragColor

iResoltuion = u_resoltuion

iMouse = u_mouse (sometimes it likes when you specify the vec2 u_mouse.xy)

Shadertoy passes uniforms so check code so u can convert all of them
  uniforms in ST usually are iWord
  uniforms in GLSL usually are u_word.
  when in doubt try that conversion!

Some Syntax that is new to me

# = a macro
it runs on compile time
  runs once!!!
  preprocessing step to run on gpu looks for Macros!!!
  cpu injects data into GPU for fast lookup

how rotations work in 3D
  360 dgrees = 2 PI radians
so PI = 180 degrees

alias one direction up

linear color space vs gamma color space
  gamma color correction
  less contrast
  power of 2.2 is human

returns are importnatn cuz they update variables

Varying is the type of variable for the vertex shader to communicate with the fragment shader! varying = output of vertex shader destined for the fragment shader

how to embed easily in html::::::

apr. 29 2022

Julie ((( has convinced me to update my blog again.

It's going to have to be a good mix of expressive but low effort so I can post like i am now -->> lying in my bed!

this partiuclar repository has quite a lot of screenshots i uploaded a few years ago when i made this page intended for future posts. I've posted a few here as a 2019/2020 time capsule.

I'm goign to start postign more of my "Instructional Zines" and HELP_GUIDES that I make for myself. I always say ill beautify them and make them mroe readable for other ppl but i think actually just sharing them may be the best move! just my raw-text note-taking method that has naturally developed over time and grown to serve me all the time and pretty much every day. I am an insessant notetaker and maybe sharing these notes will help me remember them too!

apr. 29 2022

apr. 29 2022
the 2 touring bands got sick (covid?) and i ended up playing 1 hour of blue dish wiht Julie and 2 hours solo :O

dec. 02 2021
gimp animation test. was wayyyy faster than i thought at lower resolution

dec. 01 2021

#4 July 26, 2020
Tandy Digital World #1

Forby the seller,
I don’t take any with no Neon.
I got the Tandy Neon, i told him right.
He treated me with some good respect
emforth my worth.

Fornent him i displayed slyly;
he’s ready now,
no longer misaligned.
I get the chip and get out.

Ablow and imell,
Mro Filey Doublebeck

#4 Late May, 2020
Social Media appears now to best be a place for communication-thru — as in, transmitting ideas, video/picture evidence, and dialogue that are ignored/rejected by corporate news — yet just a week ago its main function served to be communication-out — ray-based outward sharing of food or whatever. I feel like the current version is more effective and helpful, yet i am going to maintain my outward sharing here. This is why I originally made this Online Bulletin --- I desired to share my random thoughts and interests on social medias but instead for years refrained to the role of perpetual ‘Digilurker’ — mentally responding to every post with a 0 or a 1 (Floating Point introduced recently thru “Love” and “Anger” and “Care” reacts).

Although not necessarily of the utmost urgency, my information-constellation is overwhelming and having a release valve would be helpful. Free all prisoners! Abolish prisons, abolish ICE (f.2003), abolish the police!

Today, i want to highlight Mel Croucher and his weird video game company Automata The two I have watched and am interested in the most are Pimania and Deux Ex Machina (so cool!!)

Pi man hates swearing and rubber ducks make him angry Pimania’s solution was the golden sunial (worth 6000 lbs) was in the mouth of a horse, carved into the CHALK HILLS of Sussex Downs !!!!! So i can refer to Sussex Downs as “The Answer of Automata” or simply “Pimania”

“Tuesday evening, after tea and compulsory prayers, the last mouse on earth tried to hide from mankind, inside the machine.”

Lovingly yours,
Robot Crambo

#3 Apr. 16, 2020
View this post on Instagram

*****watxh on IGTV If interested in the TRACK since it cuts it off at the good part!!!!**** The video had subtitles (it was a comic) but i took them out 😬 (~_~;)(~_~;)(~_~;) made this and a comic today to allow myself to miss people.... especially people whose quarantines are 'busier' than ours 😓 Made this while generally trying to deal with feelings — big and small — as they come up regarding all of the horrific videos im seeing and stuff. true heart [[[[[[ <3 ]]]]]] traeh eurt (´△`)♪ (´△`)♪ (´△`)♪ 04.16.2020 #FreeThemAll #FreeThemAll #FreeThemAll #FreeThemAll #FreeThemAll !

A post shared by elie mcafee-hahn (@ellie_modron_kurfwen) on

#2 Oct. , 2019
NeW REleasE

#1 Oct. 7, 2019


∆ ∆ ∆  As i listen to an extended Radio Play of a Cumbia rendition of Hotline Bling @ a coffeeshop in my hometown, I also am reading the Lightness lecture in Italo Cavino’s 6 memos for the next millenium, in between compulsive email and other communication checks.

I admire the indirect persistance of Perseus. All things seem Gorgon(s) to me in many moods. I love that Medusa’s Gorgon head becomes Perseus’ constant companion, performing unexpected acts of magikal beauty, as well as the expected turning-people-to-stone business. For this next batch of songs — whose explusion has been interrupted by my tendonitis symptoms from the compressed nerves in my neck/shoulders — i will try to remind myself to jump over the tombs. This is NOT my home. It is theirs. I think i could be considered an Averroist, but the label Animism suits me much better. i experience daily changes and new Atavisms, maybe i am instead an Atavist. it makes things very disorienting.

Alas, whoever complained having to live in the Tri-State? ∆ ∆ ∆

pic by me for an upcoming release
i hold on to feelings about past collaborator’s desire to erase others from the collaborative work. it must have a lot to do with being young and insecure but it’s always disturbing. It an interesting expression of pwr structures — as both a product and reforcement of them. the worst combo of perpetual injury (past tense) and injury (present tense)

Peppo McBrandeis

#0 Sept. 25, 2019
Sadly, this blog was started the night i learned that my Snail friend Yael had died. She was a beautiful Golden Mystery Snail that loved song, kale, and Gas-based water transit. We shared a love for things that are blanched. Although I will not be able to be at the service tonight at 7:30p in Oberlin Ohio, I am sending Yael's housemates -- Kat Mazur, Julie Bodian, and Yehudit Bodian-Mazur -- much Love.

Yael will make a fantastic Cosmic Snail. The world can always use one as Golden as she.